
Term Test 2 Review

Last week we wrote our term test two, and I have to make a conclusion about what we've learned so far.
The most difficult part for me is the concept of "Tree" and its application. A tree include these part: node,edge,root,path,children, parent,sibling, subtree, leaf node, level and height.  A node is a fundamental part of a tree. An edge is another fundamental part of a tree. An edge connects two nodes to show that there is a relationship between them. The root is the only node in the tree that has no incoming edges. A path is an ordered list of nodes that are connected by edges. A subtree is a set of nodes and edges comprised of a parent and all the descendants of that parent.The height of a tree is equal to the maximum level of any node in the tree. And I know we must use recursion which we learn before to solve a "tree problem".
That's what I've learned so far.